Types of Designs Workshop

In this week’s workshop, Asim, one of our design directors, explained the various types of bridges that can be built by teams for the competition. He explained the key features of each type and what the best way to go about designing and building them is. 

The execs recommend that anyone joining Troitsky for the first time, especially first years with minimal knowledge on the topic,  start off with an easier to design bridge, like a beam, and then work their way up to more complicated designs like an arch or truss once you gain more knowledge about fundamentals in statics and design. However, it is still your choice, and if you feel confident in building a more complicated bridge then the exec team will do whatever they can to support you. 

The executive team is excited for the future weeks and the beginning of the design process. Hopefully this workshop helped you narrow down your decision for what type of bridge you might consider building and be rest assured that if you have any questions then the team is happy to help you! 

Registration will be opening soon so find a team and keep an eye out for the announcement! 

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